Maggie cheng (程皖霏)
Maggie has been dancing at Zhaoli Dance School since 2006; during her time as a student she has competed in countless dance competitions including Champions, Terpsichore and Dance Power. Receiving scores averaging a high gold first in her solo pieces, and in her final year of competition she received the title of overall winner in her category. She also traveled to Shenzhen, China in September of 2015 to compete in an International Chinese Dance Competition, by which she brought home the award for ‘Most Unique Performance’. In 2015, she started her teaching career at Zhaoli Dance School, and in 2017 became our very first jazz/contemporary instructor. She has also studied within the University of Calgary’s professional faculty of dancing, where she did her focus on the art of contemporary and jazz dance. Currently she is a full-time student, doing her Bachelors of Registered Nursing at the University of Calgary, while working part time as a health care aide for special needs individuals with developmental delay and autism. In her free time Maggie enjoys travelling the world and getting the chance to experience new and exciting cultures.
卡爾加里大學護士本科專業學生,2006年進入趙莉舞蹈學校學習舞蹈,2014年畢業後留校任教至今,目前担任爵士舞和現代舞班的老師。在卡爾加里大學專業舞蹈班系統學習了爵士舞和現代舞。 2010-2014年在加拿大卡爾加里多次舞蹈大賽中獲舞蹈金獎,2014年作為趙莉舞蹈學校首位代表去深圳參加全球華人才藝(舞蹈)大賽,獲組委會特別獎。