The following are our class designations and age guidelines. These are to help you register your child in the correct level. However, they are informal guidelines and parents and teachers will work together to ensure that dancers are placed in the appropriate level.
Intro-To-Dance: Pre-school
(Ages 4-5) This program helps children the basics of dance and fundamental movement skills to develop their sense of music and rhythm, and the coordination of their limbs through dance. Kids Dance Class: Level 1-3
(6-7 years) Through the teaching of Chinese dance movements, the students gradually improve their coordination of the hands, eyes and body parts, as well as to train young students to improve their basic dance skills. Students will develop their interest and understanding for dance through the rehearsal of smaller dances. Children’s Dance Class
(8-10 years) This program teaches basic Chinese dance movements, which promote the development of strength, flexibility, and artistic expression. Students will develop poise, confidence, focus and discipline that are qualities that extend to other areas of life. Pre-teen Dance Class
(11-13 years) The curriculum includes Chinese classical/folk dance training that will focus on technical skills such as leaps, twirls, and flips with a professional level syllabus. Students will be put through a more advanced training in order to enable students to achieve a higher level of independent performance. Youth Dance Class
(13 years & above) The curriculum includes Chinese classical/folk dance training that will focus on technical skills such as leaps, twirls, and flips with a professional level syllabus. Students will be put through a more advanced training in order to enable students to achieve a higher level of independent performance. Adult Stretching, Flexibility & Chinese Dance
Using ballet as the foundation, enhanced by distinctive movements and rhythms of Chinese dances with a focus on performance level repertoire. These classes help improve physical strength, develop graceful postures, and an appreciation for the art of dance. Jazz/Latin Dance/Modern Dance
(8 years & above) Special interest classes offer students foundation and technique beginning at the barre and then continued in the centre with kicks, turns, jumps, and varied progressions across the floor. These classes also provide students with a focus on flexibility and performance. |
(4-5歲) 興趣培養,對剛接觸舞蹈的幼兒進行以節拍,音樂,歌謠等聽覺上的節奏訓練,加之模仿,即興 表演等視覺上的訓練,配以頭,手,足等身體各部位的動作訓練訓練開始啟蒙熏陶 中國舞考級教材: 1-3級
(6-7歲) 通過部分芭蕾及中國舞基本動作的訓練,使學員逐漸提高身體的協調能力及肢體的拉伸能力,理 解簡單舞蹈動作的含義,進入芭蕾及中國舞的基本手位腳位訓練。通過部分小舞蹈的排演,以 興趣教學,調動和提高學員的舞台表現力。 少兒中國舞,民族舞訓練
(8-10歲) 接受正規的芭蕾及中國舞的基本功和優秀的表演劇目。提高手,眼及身體各部位的配合能力,加 強軟度訓練。以追求優美的體態,灑落大方的儀表,紮實的基本功,以及富有內含的表現力和十 足的自信心作為該班的訓練目標。 青少年初級班
(11-13歲) 以芭蕾及中國舞基本功為主,並教授中國古典舞及民間舞課程,提高軟度及跳,轉,翻等技巧練 習,包括部分足尖課練習。以堅實的芭蕾舞,中國舞基本訓練,配以優秀的傳統和創作劇目,完 成專業舞蹈學校全部的主要訓練項目,以期讓學生達到能獨立自如地表演的初專業水準。 青少年中國舞
(13歲以上) 中國舞基本功為主,並教授中國古典舞及民間舞課程,提高軟度及跳,轉,翻等技巧練習,以芭 蕾舞,中國舞基本訓練,配以優秀的傳統和創作劇目,完成專業舞蹈學校全部的主要訓練項目, 讓學生達到能獨立自如地表演的專業水準。以各自不同的藝術生命培養富有個性的舞蹈特長生。 成人軟開及中國民族舞
以芭蕾作為基本形體訓練,加之中國舞的身韻和劇目表演。由淺入深地從體態,舞姿,韻律,以 及旋轉,跳躍等有步驟地加以訓練。使學生從不會跳舞到自如地去舞蹈。在增強體力,心力,氣 力的同時,達到舞姿優美,身體輕盈及藝術薰陶的真正目的。 爵士舞/ 拉丁舞/ 现代舞兴趣班 - 初级,中级,高级
(8岁以上) 8岁以上的具有一定的舞蹈基础特长生兴趣舞蹈班,既有东方舞蹈的神韵又结合西方文化的奔放与 热情。深受青少年的喜欢,全部课程均由持有本地专业证书的教师执教。 |